Restructuring of the Indian Industry?: 7th T.A. Pai Memorial Lecture

Mehta, Fredie R A (1990) Restructuring of the Indian Industry?: 7th T.A. Pai Memorial Lecture. Discussion Paper. TAPMI, Manipal.


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The most important restructuring that we need in the Indian society is restructuring of our attitudes. No amount of playing around with priorities and with policies will genuinely deliver the goods, unless we come face to face with the basic tasks and challenges of the fundamentals, from which we continuously run away and the superficial consequences with which we are continuously obsessed. It is due to this phenomenon that we have continuous onslaught on growth under one form of pretext or the other. In 1969 we wanted lower growth on the ground of greater Social Justice; in 1977, we wanted lower growth on the ground of Increased Employment; and now we are once again in the danger of having people preaching to us the virtues of lower economic growth on the ground of both Social Justice and Increased Employment. There is always a very powerful case against economic growth.The ironical thing is that in a country where economic growth is one of the lowest in the world, there are people who write lengthy and elaborate articles against economic growth. One has only to end by saying what Jesus Christ said: "Man does not survive by bread alone; but without bread he cannot survive at all". A society will never survive by economic growth alone; but without economic growth it will not survive at all.

Item Type: Monograph (Discussion Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Economic Restructuring;Industry Restructuring;Indian Industry
Subjects: Economics
Economics > Indian Economy
Economics > Economic Planning & Development
Entrepreneurship_Industry > Industry
Divisions: Finance and Strategy
Depositing User: Mr Ramesh Kamath
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2018 12:14
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2019 11:33

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