Breaking of Path Dependence to Create Innovative Organizations: The Role of Constellation of Transformational Leadership (CTL)

James, P S (2012) Breaking of Path Dependence to Create Innovative Organizations: The Role of Constellation of Transformational Leadership (CTL). TAPMI, Manipal.

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There is growing evidence that in the information age, Innovative organizations are an antecedent to sustained competitive advantage; however organizations find it difficult to transform. Path dependence theory is used to explain the emergence of radical new organizations as also difficulty of the established ones to transform. This study while accepting path dependence argues that valence of internal force, namely constellation of transformational leadership (CTL) also has the power to create new path. It proposes that the difference in the valence of CTL and entrenching factors would predict the way an organization transforms into an innovative one. The study has implications for planning and predicting organizational transformation.

Item Type: TAPMI Working Papers
Uncontrolled Keywords: path dependence, entrenching factors, innovative organization, constellation of transformational leadership, competitive advantage.
Subjects: Human Resource Management
Divisions: Human Resource Management
Depositing User: Ms. Vanitha K
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2018 10:27
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2018 10:27

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