Exploring the factors responsible in predicting entrepreneurial intention among nascent entrepreneurs A field research

Tiwari, Preeti and Bhat, Anil K and Tikoria, Jyoti and Saha, Kaustav (2019) Exploring the factors responsible in predicting entrepreneurial intention among nascent entrepreneurs A field research. South Asian Journal of Business Studies.

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in the Indian context by using Shapero’s theory of entrepreneurial event as the research framework. Design/methodology/approach – A34-itemquestionnairewasrespondedto250nascententrepreneurswho areengagedinexecutingthenewbusinessideaorcreatingnewventuresandenroledintheuniversitiesinIndia. The questions measured perceived desirability, perceived feasibility, entrepreneurial educational background, entrepreneurialself-efficacy,perceivedsocialpressureandpreviousworkexperienceinentrepreneurialactivities towards entrepreneurship intention. The data were collected by employing a systematic random sampling method. The sample represents 174 male and 76 female nascent entrepreneurs belonging to various disciplines. Structural equation modelling has been used for data analysis. Findings – Theresultsshowthattheproposedmodelinthepresentstudyexplains51percentofthevariance, explainingtheentrepreneurshipintention.Entrepreneurialself-efficacywasfoundtobethestrongestpredictorof EI (β¼0.397at po0.001) followed by previous experience in entrepreneurial activities (β¼0.285 at po0.001). Research limitations/implications – More than limitation this research study adds to the existing literature of the EI by using a different set of the sample. Mostly EI studies used student sample to measure intentions. Kolvereid and Isaksen used a sample of entrepreneurs to measure EI and achieved very different results. Therefore, this research study extends the work of Kolvereid and Isaksen by using a sample of nascent social entrepreneurs. Practical implications – The finding of this research study will facilitate policy makers and educators to promote entrepreneurial activities at the university level. Based on the results and findings of the study, the educators may improve upon the support system to help and motivate students to opt for social entrepreneurship as their career choice. Originality/value – Ajzen (1988) emphasised that the relative significance of the antecedents of intention will vary depending on which stage of intention is under scrutiny. This is one of its kinds of research study thatused a sampleof nascententrepreneursinthe Indiancontext. Findingsof this research willbe helpfulin predicting how the intention process of nascent entrepreneurs works especially in developing countries.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention; Nascent entrepreneurs; Theory of entrepreneurial event;
Subjects: Entrepreneurship_Industry
Entrepreneurship_Industry > Entrepreneurship
Divisions: Finance and Strategy
Depositing User: Mr. Muralidhara D
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2020 06:30
Last Modified: 14 Jan 2020 06:30
URI: http://tapmi.informaticsglobal.com/id/eprint/635

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