Gandhian Values and Consumption Behavior: Scale Development and Validation

Mishra, Anubhav A and Sharma, Suresh C and Gautam, Vikas and Manna, Reshmi (2017) Gandhian Values and Consumption Behavior: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Strategic Marketing. ISSN 0965-254X

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Researchers have long been interested in the measurement of human values. Gandhi was a leading #gure in the independence of India and also in the #ght against racialism in South Africa. His teachings are invaluable and have inspired generations all over the world. Following standard procedure for scale development, we aim to identify the various Gandhian values that can be imbibed by an individual. We validate the applicability of the instrument by assessing its relationship with potentially related constructs like socially responsible consumption behavior and consumer frugality. We also assess its relationship with a negatively valenced construct of materialism. To develop the Gandhian values scale, we used a mix of both qualitative and quantitative methods. We conducted three data collection rounds corresponding with four separate phases of scale development. We ensured the stability of the Gandhian value scale across di$erent contexts by testing and valid ating it across three di$erent sets of sample. To the best of our knowledge, our scope of research is second only in the line of similar rese arch like the Confucian values. Our primary contribution is the development and testing of a parsimonious Gandhian values scale that captures the value system of individuals.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Scale development; Gandhi; socially responsible consumption behavior; materialism; frugality; individual values
Subjects: ?? HR ??
Divisions: Human Resource Management
Depositing User: Mr. Muralidhara D
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2018 10:18
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2019 14:01

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