Linking Resilience and Organizational Commitment:Does Happiness Matter?

Paul, Happy and Bamel, Umesh Kumar and Garg, Pooja (2016) Linking Resilience and Organizational Commitment:Does Happiness Matter? T A Pai Management Institute, Manipal.

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The study proposes and tests a model that examines subjective well-being (SWB) components (affect balance and life satisfaction), colloquially referred to as ‘happiness’, as intervening factors between resilience and organizational commitment (OC). Although previous studies support the relationship between resilience and organizational commitment, to date, no study analyzes the mechanism through which resilience relates to each OC dimensions (i.e. affective, normative, and continuance). Using the employee sample (n=345) from Indian organizations, this study uses structural equation modeling to confirm the differential mediating mechanism for OC dimensions. The results suggest that resilience can create a pathway for positive emotions and increase life satisfaction, which in turn help an employee to stick to the organization. Notably, findings indicate that affect balance fully mediates between resilience and affective commitment, whereas, life satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between resilience and continuance commitment. This knowledge would be useful for managers and organizations trying to develop a committed workforce.

Item Type: TAPMI Working Papers
Uncontrolled Keywords: Resilience; organizational commitment; affective commitment; normative commitment; continuance commitment; subjective well-being; affect balance; life satisfaction; happiness.
Subjects: Human Resource Management
Divisions: Human Resource Management
Depositing User: Ms. Vanitha K
Date Deposited: 27 Sep 2018 06:16
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2018 10:11

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