Abstracts of Cases Developed Under Management in Practice PGP 1999 -2001

Rajagopalan, R (2001) Abstracts of Cases Developed Under Management in Practice PGP 1999 -2001. TAPMI, Manipal.

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I am pleased to introduce the abstracts of these fifty cases developed by the students of p~p 1999-2001of TAPMI, based on their Management in Practice (MIP) projects. It is one of the significant outputs of the collaborative efforts among TAPMI students, faculty and industry managers. It is a unique contribution of TAPMI to the pool of cases and teaching material useful for management education. TAPMI's MIP is by now four years old. TAPMI has been continuously refining the design of its MIP on the basis of its experience and feedback from organizations. Though we were keen to publish the cases developed by each batch before its graduation, we were not able to do so till now. However, this year we have managed it! The main strength of these cases is that they deal with current issues faced by Indian industry. Depending on the opportunity and effort put in by each team, the richness and quality of these cases differ. However, case writing is not an easy job even for a veteran in academics. Not all these cases have yet been cleared by the respective organizations for academic use in TAPMI and elsewhere. But we hope that this will happen in due course in a majority of cases. We have not included in these abstracts the other types of teaching materials developed by the students of this batch, mostly in the form of technical notes. These cases still need a lot of follow up work: rigorous language editing, trial teaching, preparation of teaching notes and revision on the basis of trial teaching. Nevertheless, they represent a significant intellectual contribution of these students, industry and faculty guides. I am currently preparing similar volumes of abstracts of: MIP cases developed by the students of the PGP 1997-99and 1998-2000batches. TAPMI is planning to make these cases available to other management institutes through printed volumes and through the net. As a person who has gone through all these cases more than once during their preparation, I have learnt a lot. On behalf of TAPMI, I express my sincere thanks to all the students, industry guides and faculty guides who have contributed to this effort. My special thanks to Mr. M. P. Sundar of PGP 1999-2001for his help.

Item Type: TAPMI Working Papers
Uncontrolled Keywords: Management Education; Management in Practice
Subjects: General Management
General Management > Management Education
Divisions: General Management and Enterpreneurship
Depositing User: Ms. Vanitha K
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2018 06:43
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2019 09:05
URI: http://tapmi.informaticsglobal.com/id/eprint/377

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